
Current Projects

Ralph E. Eberhart Portrait


Ross Rossin recently completed this fine art oil painting portrait for the retirement of Ralph E. Eberhart as Chairman [...]

Ralph E. Eberhart Portrait2023-09-06T15:10:16-04:00

Artistic Love Letter


Article in Discover Bartow Magazine Spring 2019 by Marie Nesmith, photos by Randy Parker Known as the artist’s [...]

Artistic Love Letter2023-09-01T15:56:33-04:00

Healing through art


Healing through art: New presidential exhibit in Atlanta to share powerful message about PTSD, military veterans Original article from [...]

Healing through art2023-09-01T15:56:33-04:00

Commanders in Chief


The family of Harry and Brenda Patterson purchased Rossin's 13’ x 20' masterpiece of the United States Presidents of [...]

Commanders in Chief2024-06-10T11:35:04-04:00
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