
Official Portraits

Hank Aaron Statue Unveiled


Ross Rossin received the highest of honors in being selected to create the statue of Hank Aaron for the new [...]

Hank Aaron Statue Unveiled2023-09-01T15:56:35-04:00

Henry Aaron reflects on his life at 80


Editor's Note: The following is an excerpt of an interview Braves Hall of Famer Henry Aaron gave to the Atlanta [...]

Henry Aaron reflects on his life at 802023-09-01T15:56:36-04:00

Conversation between Maya Angelou and NMAfA Director Johnnetta B. Cole at the unveiling of Dr. Angelou’s portrait at the National Portrait Gallery.


In collaboration with Smithsonian colleagues from the National Museum of African Art, the National Portrait Gallery hosted an event on [...]

Conversation between Maya Angelou and NMAfA Director Johnnetta B. Cole at the unveiling of Dr. Angelou’s portrait at the National Portrait Gallery.2023-09-01T15:56:37-04:00
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